Sustainability-related PE courses are a great way to gain experience with environmental stewardship. These PE courses are offered with no additional fees and allow students dedicated time to learn how to garden, compost or visit the Lillian Anderson Arboretum.
Composting PE Course
About the course:
Decomposition is a beautifully essential part of the living experience. Through composting, we have the honor of facilitating a process that not only enriches campus soil but our entire ecological network. In this PE class, we will learn about compost by composting in the Grove! Through class discussion, we will evaluate how composting affects life, food, waste, and perceptions of each. Through our three field trips, we will explore green spaces on and off campus.
Location & Times:
Fall and Spring Terms, Thursdays 4:30-6pm in the Grove
Sara Stockwood, Director, Larry J. Bell ’80 Environmental Stewardship Center and two current Composting Crew members

Gardening PE Course
About the course:
Feel the benefits of gardening to your overall health (mental, physical); understand the fitness/wellness benefits of gardening and gain the basic knowledge and skills needed to grow vegetables that are 100% organic and non-GMO.
Location & Times:
Fall and Spring Terms, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-5:30pm in the Jolly Garden
Jane Hoinville, Prospect Research Analyst and Master Gardener
Arboretum Stewardship PE Course
About the course:
The Arboretum Stewardship PE Course offers students to participate in and learn about the management of the trails and invasive species control at the Lillian Anderson Arboretum. While earning credit for this course students will: learn about invasive plant management, practice the basis of trail maintenance, learn to use trail tools, and enjoy time outdoors at the Arb.
Location & Times:
Fall Terms, Thursdays 1-4pm in the Lillian Anderson Arboretum (transportation is provided)
Greta Farley, Environmental and Outdoor Coordinator and one current Arb Trail Crew member