Environmental opportunities for experiential learning.

Welcome to the Environmental Stewardship Center!

The Environmental Stewardship Center (ESC) infuses sustainability and environmental topics throughout the curriculum, while expanding opportunities for students to engage in mentored research and community initiatives. Guided by the Climate Action Plan, the ESC empowers students to weave sustainability and environmental themes into their academic and creative pursuits. Through ESC programming, students can better utilizes the various Living Learning Labs such as the Lillian Anderson Arboretum (the Arb) as a learning lab for the liberal arts.

Environmental responsibility is at the core of our mission. Learn how other departments in addition to the ESC are making progress towards climate action and sustainability goals.

Interested in campus gardens and growing spaces? Get more information on the Hoop House, Jolly Garden, the Lillian Anderson Arboretum and the Dow Wildflower Sanctuary including location and hours.

The Environmental Studies Program is an interdisciplinary concentration open to all students regardless of their major with an emphasis on experiential education.

The ESC hosts events related to campus sustainability, climate action and living labs. We also take trips to local environmental organizations and educational institutions. Do you have an idea for an event? Let us know!

What’s happening with sustainability at K?

ESC Student Positions and Internships

Students composting in the Grove

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